This week we are waiting on a RH report which should come soon, I don't know if we will get video and pics like we requested before we get our travel call or not.
Monday I plan on brining Ethan to the doctor to have his ears checked again. He is waking about five times or so each night. I really want to have that taken care of before Jack comes home, yet the last set of antibiotics did nothing anyway and if he catches my cold there is no way he will improve with the ears thing. I am starting to think that this may have been his issue with sleeping all along. Maybe tubes are the answer I don't know. We don't usually go in for ear aches until they are bad enough that he is miserable especially with the chance of catching other things while at the doc.
Tuesday is off to the doc again for flu shots. They have a clinic that day so the kids and I are signed up to go.
Next weekend we plan on taking one last road trip before Jack comes home. We are not sure yet where we are going. We may end up in Aberdeen visiting friends, but they may have to work, so then our back up plan is to head down to Omaha to the zoo and to stay at the Holiday Inn with a water park. We have a free stay to use up before the end of the month so this will be a fun trip to take with the kids. We are kind of thinking that we may get a phone call on our trip. We got our referral on our trip to WI this summer. We got Jack's EP while on a trip to the cities a month ago, so we think if we take a trip we should get another phone call!!! Just maybe???
Our Packet 3 has been out for three weeks, it will be 4 weeks on Thursday. Average times from P3 to VI are around one month. So our P3 went out on 11/5 so we expect VI to be around 12/5 but that is a weekend. So next week we think we will get our TC! This is all guessing. It could take longer for P3, there has been some families with it out longer. With Jack's RH consult even though it happened quickly we do not know if it held up P3 being returned or not. Just a wait and see type of thing.
Allie made a taggie for Jack's Christmas present. She wanted him to have a taggie so she helped sew it on the machine, with mom's help of course. Here is how it turned out. It matches his baby blanket that she picked out too.