Well this made it easy to follow my friend Shayna's advice and not sleep the night before. Sleeping on the plane was not the easiest either but we both managed to get some sleep and watched a few inflight movies. Wierd to take off and follow the sun around the world. It never got dark until we landed in Japan. Then the sun set before our last flight.
The holt driver picked us up at the airport. Easy to find him with the sign that said Weber just ouside the airport doors by the money exchange. Just like everyone on the forums said. He drove us 1hr through Seoul past Holt office, and gave us all the info we needed for subway and maps and everything. John feels much better now that he has all that info.
Well we meet Jack tomorrow so I need to get some sleep. I have decided I do not care for long plane rides. Feeling a bit homesick and miss Allie and Ethann, but I haven't met my son yet, and there is not much to see in the dark. Maybe a bit of culture shock as well. Finding food that John will eat tomorrow will be an adventure. We had some interesting choices on the plane.
Lots of nightlife here. TONS of people out walking around here and there and it was past 11pm. If we were at a red light in the Taxi we had to wait for around 10 people to cross the street each corner. I am not much of a nightlife girl so I think I will enjoy things much more in the morning with more sleep under my belt.
I can't believe we meet Jack tomorrow!
Of couse what fun is a post without a few pics.
Sleeping at the Tokoyo airport.
Our hotel room.
Glad you're there OK. Did John fly OK? Thinking of you and praying for you!
We told mom she needs to take Allie and Ethan on a train so our family could be planes, trains and automobiles. :)
Love you!
Thanks for letting us follow along on your journey! Enjoy your time with your boy.
Just found your blog from the Holt BBs. I have two little ones adopted from China. Holt was awesome in China, I cant imagine it being any different in Korea. Congratulations and have a wonderful trip.
I'm so glad to see you've arrived safe and sound. And I do truly feel that someone else is watching over you as well :). Get some sleep - your big day is tomorrow!
Glad you got there safely!!!
I just LOVE the look of that sweet crib in hotel room! Just think, in another couple days you will have your precious son with you in that room--YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, mommy and daddy, you're so close to your boy!
I don't think you'll have any trouble finding food that you're use to eating. :o)
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