We have been very sick the last 8 days or so. A horrible cold has made it's way though our family and we have not left the house for much other than John leaving for work and to get things we need from the store.
This most recient sickness Jack kept at bay for a while, but then when his big brother and sister started to get better he caught it. He also had a round of Roseolla in between his colds. Cold bugs and viruses are differnt depending on the area you live. This means that while Jack is used to bugs and viruses that he was exposed to in Korea. We have a whole new set of bugs here and he is more like a newborn when it comes to exposure to those bugs. This means that we expect Jack to be off and on sick for around the first six months. This time since he has been sick he has turned into a mama's boy. This is a very good thing. It means that instead of dealing with not feeling well on his own or waiting for his Omma to come and help him feel better, he is seeking me out. Makes me feel pretty important actually since our little guy had been pretty content to play off on his own. I kind of like beening needed all the time, at least for now. But I am sure he will be back to playing with toys and brother and sister and not needing mom all the time before you know it. Maybe not, mabye we have gone into a differnt stage of attachement, but only time will tell.
I am READY for spring. Although we have been to sick to go out we still have not missed much since it is so cold here. I can't wait until summer when we can play outside. Take walks, bike rides, and go to the pool. I am sure once that time comes I will be tired of the hot weather, oh well.
Here are some pics from our first month home. Not too many current ones becaue they would have far too much green nose junk, and goopy eyes.
Such a little cutie! Our Matthew has been home just over 4 months and he has been sick a ton :( Poor little guy. But I know what you mean - it's great when they want to cuddle you! Hope you are all feeling better soon!
I cannot believe your darling boy has been home a month, I feel like I was just reading your posts! He is too cute. kdjackie
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