Monday, January 12, 2009

Prayers for our Child's Birthmother

At this time my thoughts and prayers everyday have been for our child’s birthmother. If we go by the timelines given our birthmother is most likely pregnant. What this means for her and for her family we do not know. She may or may not know yet.
My thoughts go back to when we found out we were pregnant with Allie and Ethan. I know what it is like to find out you are pregnant in the best and joyous of circumstances. Yet even in those situations there is much stress involved even though you hoped it would happen.
I will never know the feelings that our child’s birthmother will experience. All I can do is pray that she is supported by friends and family, loved, and taken care of. She will be making a huge decision, making an adoption plan for the child she is carrying. I pray that she be at peace with the decisions she will make for her child. I hope that you will be praying for her and for the growing child inside of her who will someday be our child.

Psalm 139:13 You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb.

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