Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Interview with an American???

We started down the street in Insadong and got no further than one block when a guy with a video camera stopped us. He was from a local TV station doing a story on Korean food. His english was not so good but he wanted our opinion on Korean food. I told him we actually had not had any yet. He was not taking this for an answer and I think he thought that we were saying we had not had lunch yet. He asked what I thought of bulgogi or if I knew bulgogi. I said yes because I know what it is and I have had it myself, only because I made it once at home. I am sure that homemade bulgogi by a person who has never had actual Korean food does not make me fit to answer questions about it. But he insisted. So on camera I mumbled something about bugogi having more familiar flavors to me than other Korean foods. Then he asked what I thought of Korean food. Wanted my opinin. Still I insisted that I didn't have one yet because I had not had any, but again not good enough for him so on camera I said it was spicy. That is all I know from what people have said. So if you happen to watch Korean TV tonight please be nice to the American in Korea who interviewed about Korean food but never really had any. I am pretty sure no one I know is going to see it. It was too funny!

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