Jack has pretty much stopped crying at night. He falls asleep in the carrier per his vocal request for Uooba and not rocking. Then I have been laying him down in the crib. He wakes around midnight and that is when I usually join him in the room. Even if I go in there earlier and am there when he wakes in the crib he still wants out. He does naptime in the crib too and wakes with little crying, he just stands up and makes some noise until I come in to get him right away.
Last night I figured he wanted a bottle again when he woke the first time but it was early and so I just went in and picked him up since he was reaching for me. He then twisted away toward the full bed. So I laid him down in the full size bed we usually co-sleep in and instantly he started to snore.
Bottles go better now since he is able to breathe better through his nose. He wakes and starts to squirm a bit in bed with a few whines. If I just try to calm him he gets more upset and fully wakes and starts to cry. So when he starts to wiggle and whimper I head to make the bottle which is in the room on the heat vent to stay warm. If he is fully awake I have to bring him with me but usually he is just stirring and restless wanting a bottle so I don't worry about leaving him on the bed quick to run across the room and back. Then mix the bottle on the bed then give it to him. This co-sleeping and not breastfeeding thing is tough. I now know why they sleep with babies on the floor in Korea. No chance of falling!
All goes well unless the heat hasn't kicked on in a while then it is crying Jack and mom making a trip downstairs to warm up the bottle. We have a water softener so I don't believe we can use our hot water tap for bottles. Makes life very difficult. Suggestions would be great. Bottle warmer maybe, anyone have one I could try, don't know if I will like it and where I would keep it to make it handy and not within reach of Jack. But all in all since I have figured out what he wants at night and the cold is getting a bit better we have not had any of the crying fits without being consolable.
He still has his ear infection and is pulling on both ears, but his nose seems to be getting a bit better. Antibiotics didn't help much from what we could tell so I am sure it is viral and we may just have to wait it out. The thrush diaper rash seems to be gone but we will keep using the cream a while longer and avoid bath time with siblings just in case. That first bath time with brother and sister should be fun and everyone is looking forward to it especially big brother who keeps asking if Jack can take a bath with him yet!
Days are going great. He plays and plays with brother and sister and with all the toys we have. We have many! Brother and sister and having more fun as well playing with all the toys again because they are suddenly more fun when you have someone new to play with. We move from room to room spending time in each kid’s bedroom, the playroom and the music room. Not much time spent in the basement yet because it is too cold and unfinished. We have play stuff down there too but it is more suited for a walker. Give us a few months and I am sure we will have that down, but we will also get to venture outside then.
We did actually venture outside yesterday for a bit. Jack sat for one photo before he freaked out because of the snow. Here are the photos of our backyard right now. It is crazy we don't lose Allie and Ethan out there in a snow bank. If they were any heavier they would sink in but they are both lightweights and stay on top of the snow mostly.

Jack watching Sister play outside in the snow. He wanted to eat the snow on the rug.

Our deck actually has three large steps to get climb. You can only see one.

Our fence is 4 feet high and the snow fills every corner of our yard to the top of the fence.

These are photos of our Basketball court area.

The snowsuit is a bit big!